Award-Winning Christian Nonfiction
"First there was Tozer with 'The Knowledge of the Holy,' and then Packer gave us 'Knowing God,' and now Russell has taken us further."
[book: GOD'S NATURE: Sonlight Sunlight]
~ Dr. Earl D. Radmacher, General Editor, Nelson Study Bible/New King James Study Bible
"I loved the book... It is very well written and very understandable. Without seeming condescending or talking down to anyone he gets the point across. The Josh McDowell book, 'Evidence That Demands a Verdict,' is good too. ... as soon as I finish it I plan on reading 'God's Nature' again. It's definitely the better of the two." ~ Bob G., inmate
Books by Robert Lloyd Russell CURRENT CATALOG
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Bible Characters ~ Daily Living
Christian Theology ~ Doctrine
Amazon Best Seller
Christian Growth ~ Discipleship
Christian Concepts ~ Analogies
Amazon Best Seller
“He writes clearly so that the material is easily understood by both clergy and laity… Very edifying to read.”~ William J. Petersen: Emeritus Senior Acquisitions Editor for Baker Book House and Fleming H. Revell.
"I find it most inspirational. ... You make the reader think, and that is a great talent."
~ Evelyn Cox, homemaker
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The Christian Concepts Series
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